Thursday, 18 October 2012

How to Increase Sex Drive Naturally

How to Increase Sex Drive Naturally

Many women experience a decreased sex drive at some point.
A stalled sex drive is not an uncommon complaint for many women. In fact, reports by the Mayo Clinic claim nearly half of all women say they've experienced a decreased interest in sex at some point. The normal aging process, fluctuating hormones, stress, an underlying medical condition, lethargy and a poor body image can all affect your sex drive and ability to perform.

Step 1

Understand how sex works. Sex is more than just intercourse and, for women, it's just as much mental as physical. The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reports lack of desire as the main reason for a woman's low sex drive. It takes more time to jump-start a woman's libido. Therefore, arousal might not happen until you are already engaged in sex. So, even if you think you're not in the mood, give intimacy and sex a chance.

Step 2

Take stock of any sudden changes or stressors in your life. Maybe sexual intercourse has been physically painful lately, or perhaps you're under a strict deadline at work. A decreased sex drive might be the result of marital problems or the addition of a new baby. If you already have a great deal on your plate, there's not much room for sex. However, understanding the reasons for your lack of interest in sex is the first step in fixing the problem.

Step 3

Make lifestyle changes. One effective way to improve your sex life is to lead a more healthy life in general. Dr. Judith Gerber, researcher with the University of Vermont-Burlington, says satisfaction with sex increases the more you exercise. Exercising also helps you beat stress and lose weight, which can take a toll on your sex drive. Don't forget about eating healthy. Many foods that are good for you, such as garlic, avocados, strawberries and figs, are said to be great for your sex drive. Finally, don't skimp on sleep.

Step 4

Focus on your relationship. As the excitement of a new relationship wanes, it's easy to fall into a sexual rut. To perk it up again, schedule periodic date nights. Concentrate on sexual appetizers, such as back massages and a shared bubble bath, before the main course. Also, spice up your sex life by trying scented oils and sex toys.

Step 5

Get professional help. If you've tried to increase your sex drive naturally, but it's still lagging behind where you want it to be, talk to your health care provider. She can perform a complete medical evaluation to determine if there are any physical reasons for your decreased libido. Furthermore, speaking to a sex counselor might help you and your partner get back on track.

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