Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Does Everyone Lie About Sex?

Does Everyone Lie About Sex?

Does Everyone Lie About Sex?
Have you ever stretched the truth about what goes on in your bedroom? If so, you're not alone.

A new study from Ohio State University at Mansfield found that most people of both genders lied about their sexual history - although in different ways.

In a paper published Tuesday in the journal Sex Roles, Professor of Psychology Terri Fisher shared the results of a survey of a group of 293 heterosexual male and female college students on their sexual history, as well as on other nonsexual activities relating to gender roles.

Men reported having sex at an earlier age and with more people than was actually true. Women, on the other hand, wanted to be seen as having less sexual experience than they actually had, to match what is expected of women.

However, the same participants were willing to admit to everyday activities typically associated with the opposite sex - such as changing a car tire.

"Sexuality seemed to be the one area where people felt some concern if they didn't meet the stereotypes of a typical man or a typical woman," wrote Fisher.

So why does this matter?

Fisher says medical professionals need to be aware of how women respond to questions about their sexuality.

“Based on these findings, a doctor may need to ask female patients about their sexual behavior in different ways than they would for male patients,” she said.

Have you ever lied to a doctor or a lover about your past sexual history?

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